Mad pack 3 candy land no dimension teleporter
Mad pack 3 candy land no dimension teleporter

mad pack 3 candy land no dimension teleporter

#Ī=We've detected that your system has a screen reader enabled and have automatically enabled Minecraft's screen reader.

Mad pack 3 candy land no dimension teleporter skin#

"Y Button : Change User")Ī=Achievements Screen #Ī=Chat Screen #Ī=Chat Settings Screen #Ī=Create New Screen #Ī=Create World Settings Screen #Ī=Edit Character Screen #Ī=Edit World Settings Screen #Ī=Error Screen #Ī=How to Play Screen #Ī=Invite to Game Screen #Ī=Pop-up dialogue #Ī=Patch Notes Screen #Ī=Pause Screen #Ī=Permissions Screen #Ī=Play Screen #Ī=Profile Screen #Ī=Realm Settings Screen #Ī=Game Settings Screen #Ī=Choose Skin Screen #Ī=Main Menu #Ī=VR Alignment Screen #Ī=Emotes Screen #Ī=Choose Seed #Ī=Submit Feedback #Ī=Choose Profile #Ī=Choose Skin #Ī=Dot # Pronunciation for a period inside of a URL, as in "#Ī=Semi Colon #Ī=Question Mark #Ī=Quotation Mark #Ī=Grave Accent #Ī=Greater Than #Ī=Left Curly Bracket #Ī=Right Curly Bracket #Ī=Right Bracket #Ī=Left Bracket #Ī=Vertical Bar #Ī=Back Slash #Ī=Exclamation Point #Ī=Left Parenthesis #Ī=Right Parenthesis #Ī=Underscore #Ī=Unknown Character #Īccessibility.toast=Notification # This is the name of the popup that appears when a player gets a notification for a game invite or achievement unlockedĪ=Turn Off Screen Reader? #Ī1=Welcome to Minecraft! #Ī=On your device, screen reader support is enabled by default. Example: 1 of 3Ī=%s per cent #Ī=Edit World #Ī=Edit Realm #Ī=Edit Server #Ī=Import World #Ī=Leave Realm #Ī=Realm Feed #Ī=Press the %s to tab left #Ī=Press the %s to tab right #Ī=Delete Legacy World #Ī=Permissions #Ī=Choose Profile #Ī=%s : %s # Used for on-screen gamepad helpers (eg. # This section of phrases will be given audibly to the user using text to speechĪ.back=Press the %s to go back #Ī.exitChat=Press the %s to exit chat #Ī.sendMessage=Press the %s to send message #Ī=Hide chat #Ī=Keyboard #Ī=Mute All #Ī=Send #Ī=Chat #Ī=Player view #Ī=Download begun #Ī=Downloading %s per cent #Ī=Download cancelled #Ī=Download complete #Ī=Import begun #Ī=Importing %s per cent #Ī=Import cancelled #Ī=Import complete #Ī=Signing in to X box live #Ī=Press %s to open chat #Ī=Mouse Button %s #Ī=Controller %s #Ī.three_or_more.first=%s #Ī.three_or_more.inner=, %s #Ī.three_or_more.last=, or %s #Ī=Checkbox #Ī=status %s # Status will be checked or uncheckedĪ=Drop-down #Ī=Textbox #Ī=List item #Ī=: deselected #Ī=: selected #Ī=: unselected #Īccessibility.index= %s of %s # This is numbering, which number out of the total number of objects is available for interaction. If you want room between the end of the string and the start of aĪccessibility.disableTTS=Text To Speech disabled #Īccessibility.enableTTS=Text To Speech enabled #

mad pack 3 candy land no dimension teleporter

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Mad pack 3 candy land no dimension teleporter